Please Come True

 a weed. to some, a nuisance; to others, a gift

getting the summer party started

not too into pink, but in flowers i can dig it

fyi...if you were ever wondering

what have we done to the earth? 

what have we done to our fair sister? 

ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her

stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn and

tied  her  with  fences  .... and   d r a a a g g e d    h e e e r    d o o o w n

-Jim Morrison

there's a reason they say stop and smell the roses, because when you put your nose right in the middle and breathe in, the natural scent is so incredible, that it's a straight hit of endorphins, (it must be a pure red rose) try it if you get a chance


quieting the mind, allowing for space







and ready to 







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