Happy Life
Great morning! The storm has passed and left us fresh, clear air in its wake. We need it New York, the air quality is poor. I think I've even developed some illnesses from it. I haven't had that confirmed by a doctor, it's just my own intuition telling me so. I leave a sliver of doubt where I'm not able to prove something however. Yes I've asked my doctor, thank you for thinking. She didn't know. I like storms. Lately though and is it just me or have they not been coming through as massive spectacles? Like mid-evil or end of world storms. Just a simple passing shower is now this full on production with giant black clouds, thunder and lighting. It's bananas, but I love it. This is what's happening in the Northeast and from what I see in many other parts of the country too. Climate change is intense. What's it going to be like in twenty years I have to wonder?
Summer weather has me like...hell yeah, let's go! We have June, July, August and a little bit of September to live like island people: little clothing, napping in hammocks, frozen pina coladas, yoga in the deep woods (thank you yogi master christine, it was a lovely treat), running around barefoot. A nice change of lifestyle for a few months. Meanwhile down in Florida, where it's a perennial summer, the locals get into their pools they ignore all year, such as my family as of late. I changed over my wardrobe from winter darks to summer brights and that's always a fun time. I love clothes / outfits / fashion, as the majority of the world does. I discovered clothes I picked up at the end of summer sales last season and forgot about and so now it makes it brand new this season. I have a white, button down color shirt hanging in my closet waiting for me to wear it. I think I'll do so this evening.
Summer mornings are nice, knowing that we have warm / hot weather ahead of us all day. The cappuccino maker is on and the click clacking of buttons and purring of coffee into the mug, makes it feel like a coffee shop in my kitchen. I like being a morning person now. Anyone who used to know me in a past life, would find that hard to believe. I'm a middle-aged, morning-person-mom, who has to wear glasses to read...and likes to drink wine...and likes to write early in the morning and...well, lots of other stuff. I'm still the fun-loving person I've always been though, who likes to go out and see new places, that will never change; albeit I like to get home early now! Long gone is the New York City wild child, who would would stay out until 4 a.m. doing who knows what. Oh my god, I don't even know how I used to do that, thank god I made it out alive! I survived!
S U M M E R I S H E R E P E O P L E. When I first moved up here I would giggle at how excited people would get for summer, as coming from Florida, it's always summer. I was the opposite, getting excited for winter and snow. Here we are too many moons later to count and I'm good on winter. Good thanks. It's all about summer and I get it now. When I go to Florida in the winter, I'm now one of the people I used to make fun of when I lived there, who would go to the beach in their t-shirts and shorts. Snow bird! That's me. I've been outside quite a bit since the weather turned. The more flowers and greenery the better. My son has told me to "stop planting things" and he gets annoyed that I spend so much time doing so. He "told me" vs. asked me. Children don't ask anything, they just tell. He can be very demanding. I know I was a little tyrant when I was his age...so karma really is a bitch.
Is there any day better than Friday? I don't think so. Some would argue Saturday, very good yes, but it doesn't have that magical feeling that Friday has. Saturday is more of a straight-up chillax vibe, where as Friday, it makes you want to do a little dance or a big one! Whatever makes you happy, do that.
Here are some of my favorite moments from this brand new summer ...
Thanks for checking out my pics.
Happy Weekend, Happy Summer, Happy Life