Hella Happenings

Great morning. It's Friday, such a glorious day. At this early point in the day I'm finding it a little difficult to get excited, as I have a ton of work ahead of me today. I won't be surprised if I end up working past six. I even dreamt of it - horrible. I can remember the dream now, I was at my desk on my google calendar switching around call times and dates, the typing of the keys sounded like thumps - uuuuugh. So not quite feeling the start of the weekend at the moment, soon though, there's a twinkle in the back of my neck telling me it's coming.

There's a lot going on around this time 'round here, school'll be starting again for the kids in a few weeks, fall is right around the corner and there's a total eclipse of the sun on Monday - the lucky ones in Hopkinsville, Kentucky will be bathed in it for two minutes and forty seconds. Our star, satellite and world will be in perfect alignment, so special. If you're spiritual, not a bad time to think about doing a meditation, prayer, spell, howl (?) or just plain ole' wish. If I was there, I would be barefoot, hair down in full sukhasana. Oh, it just started raining here, good for the greenery. With the type of typhoon level of rain out there, I may never have to water again.

On the happenings note, my friend Serge is organizing another boat cruise on Saturday, 9/16/17 (summer vibes). If you're into boating, enjoying wicked views of Manhattan, house music, dancing, sunsets and libations then you would love this. The boat leaves in the evening at 7 and docks around 11 ~ four hours to get your soul free. Legendary NYC DJ, The Scumfrog, will be spinnin' the tunes. It's on my calendar and if you're in or around NYC or if you've been meaning to plan a trip here, this could be a good time to do so. The dock is on 42nd & WSH and there are a lot of hotels around there. To see more and get tickets, click here: Sullivan Cruise.

Before I open powerpoint and lock myself in there, I'm gonna the start the day with some musica. In light of the fact that LCD Soundsystem is back and have a new album coming out in a few weeks, may as well go with one of their oldies but goodies, join?...

~~ Welcome to the weekend~~


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