It's A Hot One
And steamy. We're in deep summer now. The kids are back to school in parts of the country, but not here in New York, they don't start until after Labor Day. August is a time to get your outside activities in while you can in the NE. As August also happens to be a rainy, humid month, those plans don't always come to fruition. There's another camping trip on my calendar that I'm excited about it. On our last one, a huge storm hovered over us right at dinner time and through the night. We slept in tents on the ground and didn't even get a little wet, it's amazing how well those tents work. Beach days are always great too. We opt for Fire Island when we go. The only way to get there is via a ferry boat ride, so that makes it extra fun. The random naked dude or lady that walks by there adds a little bit of spice to the day. To each their own, I sit back with a cold drink, some tunes, people watch, take in the waves, build sandcastles with my angel and just veg out. Friday has arrived! I'm going to start this afternoon off with some music from The Bravery, care to join me? I haven't heard the song below in a while and it's still great...
The Bravery - Believe
Love that moon version, it's slightly different from the regular one, has a little more edge, which works.
Have the most wonderful, incredible, amazing, beautiful, weekend.
Sending you lots of love, peace & good vibes ~~~ xxxx