Star Gazer
Good morning on this grey, muggy, cool/warm Thursday. You can almost see the moisture in the air it's so thick. There's a system that sailed past us here in New York over night and it's at the shores of the Atlantic Ocean right about now. We get all the left over storms from the West coast, so we get them after they've picked up all kinds of pollution while traveling across the country, no wonder they sit and rot over our skies for days on end. It looks like these lingering clouds and small showers should be clearing soon and it'll be a bright and sunny weekend. So excited for that as I'm heading camping. I am now an official camping lover, I don't know how I've lived so many years without it. It's an ordeal to plan it all, but totally worth it - just like anything amazing in life. I'm also going to take a break from my blog when I get back, I need some time to procrastinate, contemplate and calibrate. I have this Huff Post piece I can't quite seem to finish, so I need to clear my head a little, it's all blocked up. Summer is such a great time, I'm looking forward to forgetting about everything and focusing on the woods, sky, nature, water and the stars for three days straight; that should do the trick.
Have the most wonderful upcoming weekend and thanks for reading my blog, I'm grateful to have readers.
*XOXO and lots of peace&love to you*