It's Not So Cute
When my boy assembles his Star Fighter Lego and pretends I'm the enemy and shoots (yes it shoots) and the little plastic laser hits slightly below my eye. Pure luck right there.
When I'm bent down as close to the bathroom floor as possible - with Clorox Disinfectant Wipes in hand, messing up my just fine self manicure - cleaning the aftermath of cuteness missing the toilet bowl, because he's still working on his aim.
It's so cute...
When my angel calls me to his room in the wee hours of the morning because he had a strange dream. "Not a bad one, but not a good one either." He was at home and lions were trying to attack us and we had a rabbit, a large one, and the rabbit ate the lion. I asked if that meant we were safe and he said it did, "that we lived on happily." (lol)
It's not so cute...
It's not so cute...
When I'm bent down as close to the bathroom floor as possible - with Clorox Disinfectant Wipes in hand, messing up my just fine self manicure - cleaning the aftermath of cuteness missing the toilet bowl, because he's still working on his aim.
It's so cute...
When he says the word three and still pronounces it as "fuhwee." Angel face.
It's not so cute...
When it's homework time and he has absolutely no intention of doing it. Trying to convince a first grader to stop playing anything, so he can concentrate on math, is about as easy as convincing a grown-up to put down a glass of wine and help with said homework.
When the tall boy sets up a new Lego set and insists I stop everything I'm doing to "come see" the Starfighter ready for inter-galactic battle, complete with Droid Commander, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Naboo Pilot and R2-D2. Of course I have to play with him then, even though I was never really into Star Wars as a kid, I much more preferred my Barbies...such a girl.
It's so cute...
When he's wearing new jams and we're cuddled together in his bed and I've finished reading to him when he realizes Donna isn't with us (the stuffed dog). It's as if the giant cotton ball is alive and he insists I find her and bring her to bed, complete with a fake cry to add a sense of urgency.
It's not so cute...
When it's five minutes passed the time to have left for school and he isn't dressed yet, because he's "busy" playing, and then having to drag him away from said play to change his clothes to go to school and work all day. Good times.
It's so cute...
When we're on the way to school and all the drama of not wanting to go there has magically disappeared and he begins to talk about his friends and how Brandon commented on his new t-shirt, how his teacher moved him to her helper status and how he's allowed to bring a toy. As the walk continues I ask, "Oh so you do like school?" His response is a look of confusion as if I'm the hater and says, "YEAH" and runs off as fast as he can to get there...
#Lego #myQT