Holiday Do's & Don'ts

Consider organizing some sort of holiday get together for your best circle. This could be a happy hour, dinner at a hot spot or a gathering at your crib, complete with a Chinese gift exchange.
Send a Holiday text if you decide to skip Christmas cards this year (or for those who never planned on them to begin with). Only send it mass if your phone has the "send as individual texts," option.
Decorate your house or apartment with Holiday adornments. December is much more enjoyable with a pretty tree, no matter how big or small.
Wear red. Such a great color that gets lost throughout the year. Maybe a red top is too much for you? Try a red scarf or gloves, a dash of this fiery color will brighten up your mood throughout the day.
Think..."What would James Bond want?," when purchasing a gift for a husband, boyfriend or lover (?).
Know that every adult female in the world, would love a facial or a massage - or both - as a gift.
End your emails with a happy holiday message of some sort.
Water poinsettias everyday and know that they love good morning sun and shade for the rest of day, and that it's ok to put them outside in the winter, as long as they're kept frost-free.
Create a list and budget for Holiday gift shopping, this will stop you from picking things up just because "they're cute" and put you way over what you thought you would spend.
Sit around and wait to be invited somewhere, initiate, it's the holidays!
Think that just because you didn't get a Christmas card from so and so this year, must mean they don't like you anymore (see second point in the do's).
Go over board with the decorations, the lamp doesn't need a little red bow. If you're not sure, look up some Holiday decor ideas on Pinterest or in any magazine right now, everyone is ready to give you their opinions.
Think the ugly sweater is actually cool because everyone is talking about's not, it's ugly.
Buy gifts just to "get it over with." Enjoy the act of gift giving and the joy of thinking about what the other person would really love.
Expect gifts from anyone, the only ones who are allowed to do this are children...and from Santa.
Feel bad if someone got you a gift whom you didn't get a gift for. They didn't give you the gift to make you feel bad, they did it because they wanted to and aren't expecting anything in return (see point above).
Lastly, tell someone you have a gift for them and then never initiate plans to see that person.
The Holidays should be light, fun and celebratory. If it starts to become stressful, make some changes to whatever it is you're doing to bring it back to what the Holidays are really about...being thankful and celebrating with family and friends, helping the needy is always a good idea too.
Have a fabulous Tuesday**
the wall street tree
What are your Holiday do's and don'ts?
-Fabiola Conrado #christmasspirit #holidays2014