Feeling Funky Friday

Great morning to you. The weekend is here, wooooo. If we work everyday during the week and aren't taking the weekend to relax, this is something to re-think. There are people in New York who work all the time, including weekends (hardcore). Some of us (me) are so busy during the week, it's even challenging to find time to exercise. We're not robots however and we need to unwind or we'll burn out. Even if we love what we do, we still need to step away and let our minds wander and be free.

I'm a little on the burnt side right now and I can't wait to come home later and do some hardcore couch time. I'm going to start this fine day with some feeeel good music... 

Touch Me, Tiesto

Connection, Elastica

An Honest Mistake, The Bravery

Lights & Music, Cut Copy

Good morning

Chai Tea
Chai Tea Latte
Toast with butter and jelly

xo Fabi #tiesto #elastica #thebravery #cutcopy

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