Dating Advice For The Modern Woman

DEAR fABBY: I've been seeing a man for almost a year now and would like to get into a more serious relationship with him. We get together once or twice a week and usually late at night, because he works during the day. We've been together so long now, it must be real love. I don't understand why I'm left feeling depressed, when I'm leaving first thing in the morning. I've asked him to go on real dates and see each other at earlier hours, but he just pretends he's asleep. What should I do?  FEELING NEEDY

DEAR NEEDY: This you are not. This man is only interested in one thing from you. At this point, this relationship has run its course. Close it out and put it in the past. By keeping it open, you're closing yourself off from meeting other men. Right now you're just casually sleeping together. He will keep it this way as long as you're willing. If he comes back after you close the door; keep it shut, he had his chance.

DEAR fABBY: I have met the most amazing man. Every time he comes over he brings me gifts. When we're together it's magical. He is gorgeous with a wonderful personality. We have had so much fun during these past six months. When he comes over we go to restaurants and shows and then back to my place after. When the night is over, he always leaves though and on the weekends he is never available. He does travel a lot for work. I would love for him to stay the night and spend the weekend with me, but that doesn't seem possible. WANTING MORE

DEAR WANTING MORE: This man is married. 

DEAR fABBY: I met the greatest guy this past weekend and we spent the whole weekend together. We are just about the same age and he too is interested in getting married and having children one day. We dined at restaurants, went shopping and cuddled by the fire, this was my favorite moment. We fell in love. I am sure I have found the one. Since our great weekend, we haven't been able to coordinate our busy schedules. I don't want to lose him, but it's been three weeks since our romantic weekend.  PARANOID

DEAR PARANOID: This was nothing more than a fling, at least you had fun. When a man is interested, he calls. If he gets what he wants easily and right up front, the phone calls will most likely stop. Enjoy being hunted. Try building an active rotation of men, so you're not stuck on just one. Don't sleep with any of them, just casually date them all. Your life will become much more interesting and busy, it'll be hard to keep up. Remember, don't sleep with them though!


Everybody has a problem. What's yours? 
For a personal reply write to fAbby, Box 1111, New York 00000 
and enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

#datingadvice #modernwoman #marriage #singles #love #relationships

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