Deep Summer Nature Loven'
Good morning. It's a beautiful day outside. We're in deep summer now. Last night I saw fireflies for the first time. I could watch them all night. 4th of July is here, what a fun holiday. It looks like it's going to rain starting today through Friday though, so it's going to be a wash out, what a bummer. The weekend looks good though. I'm going to try and catch some fireflies this weekend. My son caught one last year and we set it free pretty quick, we just wanted to look at it up close.
check these guys out
a journey into firefly watching
Speaking of up close, this morning I walked outside and found a huge cicada sitting on my porch steps. It was a little scary because they're huge, they're harmless though. I'm so happy they're back, these things are amazing and the sounds they create are a beautiful display of nature. It is so relaxing and peaceful to listen to cicadas. If I had any idea how to make music, I would incorporate the sound into it . . .
up close and personal cicada
ahhh, what a lovely sound
What do you have planned for the holiday weekend?
-Fabiola Conrado. #peace, #nature, #cicadalistening, #deepsummer, #fireflywatching, #naturelover