Brave & Free

Good morning on this summer, holiday, 4th of July Friday, woooo. It's going to rain cats and dogs all day in New York, but it does look like it will stop around 7 this evening. I really want to see some fireworks, so like the rest of the North East, I'll have to play it by ear. The hurricane seems to have lost most of its power and now it's just a huge storm. Tomorrow and Sunday will be beautiful though, as big storms clean everything out and leave behind fresh winds and air.

Last night's storm was so dramatic, all the lightening and thunder seemed to go on for hours. It looks like we'll see more of that today, the storm is really big, stretching from West Virginia all the way up to Maine, with a hurricane at the tail, in South Carolina. Total holiday wash out for barbeques.

Today we celebrate our independence from Great Britian, during the American Revolution. We celebrate that we won and the Declaration of Independence was signed. We've been a free country since 1776. The United States is the greatest country in the world.

Happy 4th of July to you!


-Fabiola Conrado, #4thofJuly2014, #happy4thofjuly, #independenceday2014

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