Pussy Riot Back In Action
Not even jail was able to stop
these women. Recently, the group staged another protest near #SOCHI2014, for
which they were whipped by the Russian Olympic security for doing so (the pun being hard to ignore here). In
response to the whipping, they performed again later that day, in front of the Olympic sign. Hardcore.
Photo: CNN |
This latest protest gained as
much press in the U.S. as the games themselves. If you’ve been living in a box,
then you need to know that Pussy Riot is a punk rock group, who protest their
belief that the Russian government is a “System that directs its power against
basic human rights and civil and political liberties.”
Their protests are
through a media Wikipedia describes as “Dissident art or political actions engaging art
forms." Specifically, the band protest in illegal, public spaces. In an
interview they gave to the BBC, they said they chose this path because
they believe it attracts the attention of the press, which will be hard to
ignore by their government, they believe would normally do so.
Pussy Riot are thought provoking and fascinating. Imagine if there were a punk group in the
United States protesting illegally against our controversial issues (read: abortion and gun control). Their name is very clever, I haven’t typed the word “pussy”
so much in my life nor have I ever read the word so much. What I like about the
name Pussy Riot, is that it takes the power away from using the word “pussy”
as a negative term and instead empowers it.
Photo: CNN |