Deluxe Dating #2

Tomorrow is the big day. I'm slowly starting to get excited about it. Daydreaming about the day, I imagine all things red and romantic such as roses, candy boxes, silk, rose petals, candles, hot bath with bubbles, red wine, table for two... and I think about ______. I'll let you fill in the blank there. The real night will probably consist of watching a movie on television and going to bed early, like the grandma that I am.

Yesterday I posted a first date that went well. Today is the second Deluxe Dating story, in honor of VDay. I'm going to call him Jimmy...Jimmy was so nice and started calling me "angel" from the day we met. My new name became old after a while but it was nice at first. Our first date was perfection... It was Summer and Jimmy picked me up in the early morning and drove us to the Hamptons (beaches in Long Island, NY). On the drive out, Jimmy thought of everything, a gift waiting in the front seat and a movie player so I wouldn't get bored (it was a two hour drive). Once at the house, he had pre-arranged a day at the beach with all of our friends and the supplies were ready to go. Afterwards, he took just the two of us to a nice restaurant.

Because we were so far out, staying the night was already in the plans -- in my own clean room with fresh flowers and sheets that smelled of newly cut grass. I put my head on the pillow that night and thought about how wonderful Jimmy was and what a whirlwind of a day we had, I thought I could marry him. I couldn't wait to wake up next day and do it all over again -- and we did, the next day and many, many more days thereafter.

Do you have a lovely date tale? Share it here, the more #love stories the better. #VDay

Fabiola Conrado

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